Materials Required to Sew a Tie

Sewists of all levels are able to make a necktie by themselves. These are the materials that you will need to get going:

  1. Fabric: Choose any fabric you want (cotton or silk are popular choices), and then purchase lining fabric at a fabric shop for your DIY tie project.
  2. Interfacing: To give the tie structure and shape, you will attach a panel of interfacing (also called interlining) to the inside.
  3. Sewing supplies: For this basic project, you will need thread, sharp needles and tailor’s chalk. You also need pins, a iron, fabric scissors, or a rotary cutter. For hand sewing, make sure you have an extra pair of needles. Learn how to sew by yourself.
  4. Sewing machine: A sewing machines will allow you to quickly and accurately sew straight lines, which results in a finished product that is polished. Learn how to use your sewing machine.
  5. Tie pattern: Select a sewing pattern as the guideline to make your tie. You can find a free online pattern or buy one at your local fabric shop to use as a guide. You can also make your own patterns by drawing a tie on paper, and then cutting it.

How to sew a tie?

Sewing a tie can be a fun way to express yourself or create a personal gift. This tie tutorial will show you how to make a tie.

  1. Prepare your workspace. Place all your materials on top. You should have enough surface to place your fabric flat while you are working with it.
  2. Your fabrics should be cut. Lay your main fabric (which will be the outside of your tie) out on your work surface. Next, place your pattern pieces over it. Mark the pieces with pins or tailor’s chalk and then cut them out. This process can be repeated with your interfacing and lining materials.
  3. The tie fabric pieces should be sewn together. Follow your pattern and sew the main tie pieces together. This will create the front of the tie.
  4. The lining should be added to the tie’s end. After you have sewn all of your tie pattern pieces together into one long length, add the lining to the back (or the wrong side) of the tie. Leave a seam allowance of approximately a quarter of an inch around the edges. Turn the tie upside down and iron its edges.
  5. The tie’s center should be lined with interfacing. The interfacing will run the length of your tie with the tip fitting in the pocket you made for the tipping liner. To hide the interfacing, fold the sides of your tie over it. To finish the tie, pin the edges and use a slip stitch for hand sewing. When you’re done, press the seams with an iron.
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